Monday, May 9, 2011

What Sticks

At first, I couldn't remember what this chapter was about, but as I started reading it I was like Okay I remember these stories. What stood out to me about this chapter is getting to know your audience and trying to see how you can tailor and communicate with them. It's just like preaching, you have to get the audience attention and keep it. What can be done to get my students to understand and remember the concepts that are being taught? What things can I do to get the primary things that need to be learned to stick with them throughout the year? With teaching, you have to be creative and not lecture majority of the time and give worksheets. I like the 6 principles of successful ideas, but the ones that really capture my attention was the emotions and stories. What emotions can I give to show my students what they really need and how important it is for them to get it, achieve it, and apply it in every way possible. I tell my students different stories everyday to try to get them to focus on the main idea and real life. The more they get it now and achieve it, the easier it will be for them to apply as they move on to the next grade.

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