Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cell phones in the classroom

I was looking for articles pertaining to technology to blog about when I came across this one on the internet. This article is basically talking about how certain school districts banned cell phones in the classroom because it was such a huge distraction. After the horrific Columbine tragedy, some districts have reconsidered and allow students to have cell phones in the classroom.
Cell phones can be of great harm or of great use. In the case of the Columbine Tragedy it was a great help because the students were able to get in touch with their parents and communicate the things that were happening. On the other hand I know several students where their cell phone has been very harmful. You have girls and guys taking pictures of their private parts and sending them through picture message. The people they send it to send it to others and or show others. In some cases the schools have gotten involved and students have been suspended for this behavior even though it was done at home and on their own personal phones.
In my daughter’s school, they can have their cell phone but it must remain off or in their locker. If they are caught with their cell phone it will be taken away. The first offense is for thirty days. The second offense is for sixty days. The third offense is for the remainder of the school year. In either offense the parents must come get the phone from the school.


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