Sunday, February 14, 2010

EDU 590: Principal

Have you told your principal or boss that you are taking EDU 590?

Have you told your principal or boss that you are taking EDU 590?

No, I have not told my principal that I am taking EDU 590. My principal would not care if I was taking this course or any other course. For one reason, he is working on his doctorates. The second reason is that he is more concerned with the students in grades three and five passing the Georgia CRCT test and making Adequate Yearly Progress for the year. If you look in the newspapers now and google it on the computer about Georgia schools, the CRCT test, and cheating, you will see that a lot of the Georgia schools are under review to see if the students or someone has changed the answers on the tests. In a way you cannot blame the people for cheating because their jobs are on the line because of this test. If students don't pass three years in a row then the state comes in and takes over the school. OOPS! I got a little off subject there. But again no my principal would not be interested in what I am doing in trying to increase my knowledge and education not only for myself but the education and benefits for my current students and students to come.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen the recent reports on the news about the cheating scandals and the schools who are in a mad rush to make Adequate Yearly Progress. My heart goes out to you guys. But, in the attempt to meet all of the national and state requirements, it sounds as if other more pertinent livelihood type purposes were lost. It sounds as if you feel unsupported and as if your administration would not celebrate your decision to further your educational goals in a way that would truly benefit your school.

    Hang in there. I hope that things turn around for you soon. Always remember that you will have many doors and opportunities open up for you upon completion of your degree. If you remain unsatisfied, I encourage you to find a more fulfilling and more healthy environment.
