Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

Richardson and Collins Book Reviews

Here are my book reviews for Richardson book and the Collins Book. The first two chapters are from the Richardson book and the last two chapters are from the Colliins book.
Chapter 3 (Richardson):
In this chapter, Richardson stated that Weblogs can play an important role in a classroom if it is implemented effectively. The factual potential of blogs in schools comes when students and
teachers use them as publishing tools. If a teacher requires a student to blog, then the teacher should in return blog as well. In this chapter, Richardson also states that teachers should blog to show students that it is something of value and to model appropriate ways of blogging. When someone blogs, they should start small. There is another piece of advice and that is to be a public blogger. Put your name on your work but first know the consequences of this before you do it. Before beginning to use weblogs with students one must make sure those students, parents, and even administrators are clear about the expectations and the reasoning behind it. One must make sure parents sign a permission form giving the students permission to blog. Teachers, as well as parents, must go over the guidelines and rules for weblog as a safety precaution. Weblog is an easy tool to use once you gain the knowledge of the tool. Make sure you go step by step so that you will not encounter and problems or mishaps. Pictures and clip arts and clip arts can be added as well.

Chapter 6 (Richardson):
In this chapter, it is talking about The Social Web and Learning Together. The Social Web states that we have many friends out there just waiting to be found and connected to, and those friends have other friends who can just easily connect with us and guide us to new and interesting information or learning. If we are willing to share our ideas and resources, we will gain as much if not more as much as we put out. There are over 1 billion people worldwide online now. There are many social networks but to name one from the book would be Twitter. Twitter is a “microblogging” tool that has exploded since the beginning in 2006. Twitter keeps your network at your fingertips. The only thing with Twitter is that it only allows 140 characters per “tweet.” One educational example of Twitter is what schools are beginning to use it as a way to communicate with parents and others in the community; School Bookmarking Services is another social network site. Millions of people have begun using public, online bookmarking services where they can save links, annotate them with unique keywords or “tags” to organize them, and then share them. Social networks can now be used to tap into the work of others to support our learning.

Chapter 6 (Collins):
Collins and Halverson talks about the three eras of education in the chapter. The three eras are the apprenticeship era, the Industrial Age, and the lifelong-learning era. In the apprenticeship era, parents decided what their children would learn. The Industrial Age allowed for large groups of children to receive instruction in a common curriculum. The reformers advocated taking control of education from parents and giving it to the state. In the present lifelong-learning era, responsibility for education is shifting away from the state and back to the parents for younger children and to the individual for teenagers and adults. People will begin to learn what they are interested in and responsibility will be taken back from the state. Horace Mann felt that if children were provided a free education, they would adopt American values and have the skills needed to do any kind of work they chose instead of their parents choosing for them. Many young people are pushing their own educational paths, learning what they think will be of value to them and accommodate them.

Chapter 9 (Collins):
What does it all mean? This chapter discusses the different technologies available and how students can put them to use and how the parents should be guiding and preparing the child with the different uses of technology at home and at school. It is stated that technology-based learning environments requires parents and teachers to pay attention to how (and what) children learn outside of school and the home. Video games provide the clearest case of the technology generation gap. One way to bridge this gap is to extend to the technology that the child is doing. Parents and teachers are concerned that students are reading less with all the new technology that is available. Technological innovation is breaking our administrative office with date systems and among students with gaming, leaving the teachers behind to maintain their traditional classroom practices. Americans need strong leadership from innovative educators to make sure that the new system embodies our society’s critical goals for education.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dr. Brian J. Dixon Book Review

I thought Dr. Brian's book was interesting and very well thought, planned, and written to anyone's specific need. This is my link including my review of the book.

I found Dr. Brian J. Dixon's book to be very intriguing and vibrant. Our former superintendent always communicated with us through VLOG. I always wondered how she was able to use a technology like this and when I read about this technology about Why Blog on pages 52 and 53, I was immediately drawn in to read the section. I also like the many tips Dr. Brian Dixon gave on emails such as check your email less frequently on page 42. I am one that checks my email at work every 15 minutes and then my personal email pops upon my phone and I automatically check it then. Dr. Brian J. Dixon's book is a very useful book especially if you are a visual person and need to see the diagrams or pictures as an alternative instead of just the instructions.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Chris Anderson's Crowd Accelerated Innovation

I waited until I really had a mindset to read this article. I am not much of a reader but since I had to read this article , I was like "Ok Karen, let's buckle down and get this completed. The sooner, the better." I thought this article is going to be another one of these articles where it's boring and my mind will be going in a million different directions. Low and behold as I started reading this article, I found it to be very interesting. Chris Anderson really captured my attention from the beginning. I loved the way he started the article about the 6 year old dancer. He stated that this 6 year old was out-dancing professionals. I need to see a video of this kid for myself. When I saw the videos of this kid for myself I was amazed and in total awe.
Chris stated that you must have three ingredients for Crowd Accelerated Innovation. The first ingredient is a crowd. You don't need a lot of people only a few, but you must be able to work the crowd that you have. The second ingredient is a light. This is someone who basically promotes your video. The last ingredient is desire. You must have the desire and the willingness to capture your best ability and knowledge in a video in order for the light to promote it. This was a very enlightening article to me.
I watched several of the videos from each session. I didn't like the video from Summer Session 2010. and These 2 videos were too bland for me. The two presenters were just so monotone and didn't capture my attention at all. I absolutely adore the next video. . I loved the way she started her video with music and scrolling words. I like the integration of the kids speaking and their work about spelling and not just the speaker speaking in monotone. I actually gained great ideas and different knowledge to help my students learn to spell in the future. I didn't too much care for the following video from Spring Session 2011.

Friday, June 3, 2011

FaceBook Posts

I enjoyed the FaceBook postings that the class shared. It was interesting to see all the things in the news and posted about facebook and other social medias dealing with educators. Also, it was interesting to read the different articles about students and kids using facebook as bullying and other things. Here are the posts and responses that were made by me throughout the class.

• Karen Truitt Daniel
It has been one crazy week for me. I started off having pink eye in both eyes and couldn't find a sub so I had to go to work and get sub plans together until I could get someone to come in for me. The students were on one as usual and I was not in the mood. They love getting on the computer and going to this program called Ticket-to-Read or Accelerated Reader. Ticket to Read is part of our reading program where they read stories and answer questions and play reading games. I have tried several different ways to let every student go to the computer but the last thing I tried was when they get finished with their work, they can go to the computer. Mind you, I only have 3 computers in my room. So everyone is trying to rush to get finished with their work to get on the computer. Then when we are checking the work, the answers are wrong or either half completed. Does anyone have any suggestions for me for the next school year because in 15 days this school year is over? I am getting aggravated also because we have gone through 3 sets of headphones. The students are putting the wire in their mouth and chewing on them and I can't catch who is doing it. Oh yeah and come to find out at the end of the week, I have an inner ear infection in both ears and my blood pressure is high. All I can say is "GO ME!!!!!"

about a month ago

 Karen Truitt Daniel
I read this article and heard about it on the news. I feel sorry for the teacher in a way because from my understanding she did not post the pictures someone else posted the pictures of her. Today, we have to look at these differently as…
May 7 at 10:02am
• Karen Truitt Daniel
Here is an article about the Pitfall and Promises of Social Media. I found it to be very interesting. I especially like the part in that we can't fault our children for some of the things done on facebook or any other social media because we have to teach them the correct way to use them. If they see the adults using these medias the wrong way they will only follow what they see.
about 2 weeks ago
• Karen Truitt Daniel This is an article that I found that was very intriguing to me about social media in education.
• Karen Truitt Daniel
Here is another interesting article about facebook and dropouts. What do you think about facebook helping students from dropping out of school. To me, it's the mindset of the student.

 Karen Truitt Daniel I liked the Prezi software better. It was much easier once I got use to it and knew what I was actually doing. I really enjoyed myself and I will share this software with the TAG (gifted) teacher.
May 9 at 7:43pm
 Karen Truitt Daniel
I have befriended some of my past students but now I teach 1st grade so I know none of my students should be on Facebook. I like to see what my students are doing now in their lives and to see where they are going. My daughter has a Face...See More
May 7 at 10:09am
 Karen Truitt Daniel All I can say is Bless you my dear and the school year is almost over. I know it is sort of rough on you these last few weeks.
May 7 at 10:35am
 Karen Truitt Daniel I like the part in the article where it states that you get unhelpful search results. I have gotten this several times and I have gotten really frustrated. It is so annoying especially when you are trying to find something quickly.
Wednesday at 8:01pm
 Karen Truitt Daniel I slept the night away. I was so tired from our 1st grade End of the Year Celebration. It was a great break for me.
Wednesday at 8:08pm
 Karen Truitt Daniel Adrion, we have a computer lab but only certain grade levels are aloud to use the computer lab and of course the upper grades get frst priority. I would love to do something like this with my students. I think they would be more engaged in learning.
Wednesday at 8:10pm
 Karen Truitt Daniel How did your students do on completing the prezi presentation? I introduced the prezi website to the technology teacher at my school and the students that she teach. Some were excited and some were a little sad because they will not be able to use the software in the tech fair. They will be moving on to 6th grade but hopefully the middle school tech person has heard of prezi.
Wednesday at 8:06pm
 Karen Truitt Daniel I think some parents who have trouble with their kids need to take FB and from their kids to see if this would work to get them back on the right track but like you say of course they could find some other media to compensate for not getting on FB.
Wednesday at 8:03pm

Guest Speaker Brian Dixon

Brian Dixon was a very interesting and intriguing speaker. He spoke a lot on Twitter which I am not familiar with at all. Twitter to me is very complicated and too much to try to keep up with. Brian seems to know exactly what he is talking about when it comes to doing a presentation a twitter. At first, I was ready for him to get his presentation over but once he got started and kept talking about twitter it was very enlightening to hear the things that he was saying. To her that so many people from the small to the large use twitter is amazing.